Corel Web.Graphics Suite
Corel Web.Graphics Suite (1997).iso
Text File
94 lines
CorelWEB.WORLD Viewer, Version 1.0
CorelWEB.WORLD Viewer is used to view 3D Spaces built with CorelWEB.WORLD
and saved in (MUS) format. CorelWEB.WORLD Viewer does not allow you
to modify the 3D Space, as you can with CorelWEB.WORLD. You can move
through the world, change camera views and activate sounds, movies and
links to the World Wide Web.
What You See
When you start the CorelWEB.WORLD Viewer you will see
an Open 3D Space dialog. Select any CorelWEB.WORLD file
(.mus extension) by clicking on the file name then clicking
open. Once the 3D space is loaded, it will appear in a window
with controls for movement and camera view on the bottom right
corner (the walker buttons).
How to move around
You can move jump through 3D Spaces using the keyboard or
the walker buttons. You can also move directly in front of an image
using the Direct View when you click on the image and select Explore,
Direct View from the menu (or right click on the image and select
Explore, Direct View from the fly menu). Using the keyboard or Walker
buttons, press the arrows in the direction you want to move.
How to look around
You can look around by manipulating the camera's height, tilt,
and zoom qualities. You can adjust these features using the camera
buttons in the Walker toolbox, the keyboard.
Keyboard controls
The program uses the following keys:
7, Home - Rotates left;
9, Page Up - Rotates right;
8, Up Arrow - Moves camera forward;
5, 2, Down Arrow - Moves camera back;
4, Left Arrow - Moves camera left;
6, Right Arrow - Moves camera right;
+ (Keypad Plus) - Moves camera up;
- (Keypad Minus) - Moves camera down;
Insert - Tilts the camera up;
Delete - Tilts the camera down;
Pressing Ctrl with any other key doubles the speed of the motion
produced with the key.
How to look at pictures
Pictures can have text, sound, URLs (Web Links), and functions
associated with them. When you move the cursor over a picture,
indicators in the bottom-left corner of the 3D Space Window show
the picture's characteristics.
If a function is associated with a picture, the cursor becomes
a hand. Double-click on the picture to activate the function. If the
picture contains text, the first line appears at the bottom of the
3D Space window. Click on the picture with your right mouse-button and
select Display Attached Text to read the full text. If the picture contains
sound, the Attached Sound indicator in the bottom-left corner of the 3D Space
Window is displayed. To hear the sound, right click on the picture and select
Play Attached Sound. If the picture is part of an album, the Album indicator
in the bottom-left corner of the 3D Space Window is displayed. To leaf through
the album, right click on the picture then select List Album. To see a
picture in its original size and proportions, right click on the picture then
select True Image.
Walking Show
Some prebuilt 3D Spaces have a Walking Show. A Walking Show takes
you through the 3D Space by a predefined route. To start a Walking Show,
select Walking Show in the 3D Space Window Menu. To stop the Walking Show,
press any arrow key.
CorelWEB.WORLD is a program for building 3D Spaces, similar to the
ones you view with CorelWEB.WORLD Viewer. CorelWEB.WORLD allows you
create a 3D worlds in its own format or in the VRML 1.0 standard . Ease of use
combined with robust multimedia and a fast rendering engine round out this
powerful software.
Visit Corel's Web site to learn more about CorelWEB.WORLD and other
products at http://www.corel.com and the Corel Internet page
at http://www.corel.com/corelweb